About Library ZIET Mysore

The library has a collection of over 1400 books and around 3100 material pertaining to Education and Training including Teaching Learning Material like Text books, Supplementary Textual Material , Online Material, Journals, Magazines, Reference Books, Newspapers, Dictionaries, Atlas, Encyclopedia and Training manuals. The library also have educational and general multimedia and is well equipped with five multimedia computers with Internet access.It is also equipped with Video conferencing for trainers online through Head quartess and all regional offices.

Alternative Academic Calender(NCERT)

In this period of Covid-19, which is declared as a global pandemic, our teachers, parents, and students have to remain at homes to prevent its spread in the community. In this situation, it is our responsibility to provide them with multiple alternative ways of learning at home through interesting activities. It is necessary because in the present environment of stress we have to not only keep our children busy but also to maintain continuity of their learning in their new classes. In this context, NCERT has developed an Alternative Academic Calendar for all the stages of school education.